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Inilah Lagu & Gambar Background Di Situs Tribunnews Saat Di Hack

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

 Sabtu 12 Desember 2020 situs berita online Nasional di kabarkan terkena serangan peretasan oleh seorang peretas yang memiliki nama alias ASTARGANZ.

Jenis serangan seperti apa yang dilakukan oleh sang peretas pada situs Tribunnews saya belum mengetahuinya dan belum ada pernyataan dari pihak Tribunnews. Namun dari obrolan di beberapa forum menduga serangan berbentuk Deface atau bahkan DNS Hijack.

Dalamam laman Tribunnews yang diretas tersebut di disain cukup manis oleh si peretas dengan gambar latar dan disisipkan sebuah musik bergenre Reggae yang cukup enak didengar.

Lagu tersebut berjudul Safe And Sound yang dibawakan oleh grup musik Rebelution dari California.

 Lirik dari lagu Safe And Sound - Rebelution :

When we come down, o yeah yeah yeah
We'll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
O Baby that's all I got
When we come down, o yeah yeah yeah
We'll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
O Baby that's all I got
O Baby that's all I got

[Verse 1]
Is this the kind of sound that you want to hear?
Is this the kind of vibe that you want to feel?
Well I'm the type of guy that you'll never fear
You can do your thing then come near
Maybe I'm, I'm caught up in the thing that you know I like
I'll check it one time, baby overnight
See we can make a grand escape
Or we can roll high, and maybe break
I'm all about the look that you're giving me
I'm all about the dance moves you're letting free
Well, I'm all about a sweet sounding loving spree
So Listen for my melody
And maybe I'm, I'm caught up in the thing that you know I like

You check it one time, baby overnight
See we can make a grand escape
Or we can roll high, by the way[Chorus]

And when we come down, o yeah yeah yeah
We'll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
O Baby that's all I got
When we come down o yeah yeah yeah
We'll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
O Baby that's all I got
O Baby that's all I got

[Verse 2]
This is the kind of sound that I want to hear
This is the kind of vibe that I want to feel
And you're the type of girl baby on the real
Check it one time, what's the deal?
Maybe I'm, I'm caught up in the thing that you know I like
You check it one time, baby overnight
See we can make a grand escape
We can roll high, by the way

And when we come down, o yeah yeah yeah
We will be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why
O baby that's all I got
When we come down o yeah yeah yeah
We will be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why, woah woah yeah yeah yeah
Baby that's all I got
Baby that's all I got
All I got
IWe'll be dreaming safe and sound

You better know why
O baby that's all I got
When we come down o yeah yeah yeah
We'll be dreaming safe and sound
You better know why, woah woah yeah yeah yeah
And that's all I got
O baby that's all I got
O baby that's all I got

Untuk mengunduh lagu Safe And Sound - Rebelution klik link dibawah :

Safe And Sound

Sedangkan untuk gambar latar yang digunakan oleh si peretas nampaknya gambar publik yang ada di sebuah situs penyedia Gambar dan Wallpaper.

Gambar tersebut bertema game PC dan Konsol Next Gen yang masih hangat hype nya Cyberpunk 2077.

Si peretas nampaknya cukup lihai membuat sentuhan tema ungu menyala pada tulisan dalam frame HTLM yang ada di laman tersebut sehingga sangat matching dengan gambar latar yang bertema Cyberpunk 2077 tersebut.

Situs penyedia Gambar tersebut adalah

Link gambar tersebut sebagai berikut:

Atau via solidfiles :


Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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